Hey all,
check out this beautiful thing that Iolanda created:
View Larger Map
Cool. See also explanations and more from this link.
Baci baci,
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
PhD defense
I don't know what happened, but here are some photos...
Soon-to-be Dr. Janne J. Hakkarainen
Interesting... |
...time to sleep. |
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Väitös ja kirja
Hey all,
I will have my PhD defense at Lappeenranta University of Technology on the 22nd of November, 2013, at 2 pm. Cool. Grrrr. The väitöskirja arrived via mail. Feels good.
My dissertation on a table:
I will have my PhD defense at Lappeenranta University of Technology on the 22nd of November, 2013, at 2 pm. Cool. Grrrr. The väitöskirja arrived via mail. Feels good.
- The defense got postponed and will be on the 29th of November.
- You can download the electronic version of the dissertation from http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-265-500-4
My dissertation on a table:
Saturday, October 12, 2013
SPIE Remote Sensing 2013
I went to Dresden to participate on SPIE Remote Sensing 2013 conference. Here's a photo of myself having a presentation on GOMOS one-step retrieval algorithm.
The conference proceedings will be available here and the estimated publishing date is 7 November 2013. Unfortunately I missed my colleague's—Anu's (sic)—presentation, but gladly it is now available on AMTD. For me the conference wasn't exactly what I was after, but that's life and what I've heard "usual feeling". Dresden was okey, not Deutsche Demokratische Republik in my mind. Now I'm on paternal leave, which is great!
I went to Dresden to participate on SPIE Remote Sensing 2013 conference. Here's a photo of myself having a presentation on GOMOS one-step retrieval algorithm.
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Me having a presentation. Thanks Anu for the photo! |
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Sää- ja ilmastomallien parametrien yksikäsitteisyyteen liittyy dilemma
Ilmatieteen laitos julkaisi tänään varsinaisilla nettisivuillaan tiedeuutisen mun dilemmapaperista. Uutinen on jo tosin kirjoitettu toukokuussa IL:n sisäisiä sivuja varten. Tässä linkki tiedeuutiseen:
Sää- ja ilmastomallien parametrien yksikäsitteisyyteen liittyy dilemma
P.s. otin tekstin myös tänne:
Sää- ja ilmastomallien parametrien yksikäsitteisyyteen liittyy dilemma
Ilmatieteen laitoksen tutkijat ovat löytäneet dilemman liittyen kaoottisten mallien parametrien yksikäsitteisyyteen. Dilemma syntyy, kun ennustemalleissa käytettyjen suotimien ominaisuuksia muutetaan.
Perinteisesti on ajateltu, että säätä ja ilmastoa ennustavien mallien parametrit täytyy uudelleen säätää vain, jos mallin olennaisia ominaisuuksia muutetaan. Tehty tutkimus kuitenkin osoittaa, että uudelleensäätö on tarpeen myös niin sanottua data-assimilaatiokomponenttia muutettaessa.
"Todellisuuksia voi olla vain yksi, mutta optimaalisia arvoja voi olla useita riippuen suotimien ominaisuuksista", tutkimusta vetänyt Janne Hakkarainen selittää. "Nyt ollaan tekemisissä mallien sisuskalujen kanssa", hän jatkaa.
Tehty tutkimus ei ole puhtaasti akateeminen vaan sillä on myös suoria käytännön sovelluksia.
Ilmatieteen laitoksen tutkijat löysivät dilemman käyttäen standardia Lorenz95-testimallia. "Dilemma on nyt näytetty toteen pikkumallilla. Seuraavaksi on ilmastomallin vuoro", Hakkarainen kertoo. Ajot ovatkin jo käynnissä ja alustavia tuloksia on saatu.
Tutkimus on julkaistu kansainvälisessä Tellus A-tiedelehdessä ja siihen on osallistunut tutkijoita Ilmatieteen laitokselta, Aalto-yliopistolta, Helsingin yliopistolta ja Lappeenrannan teknilliseltä yliopistolta. Tutkimus on tehty osana Suomen akatemian laskennallisten tieteiden tutkimusohjelmaan kuuluvaa NOVAC-projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on tutkia ilmastomalleihin liittyvien parametrien epävarmuutta.
Tutkija Janne Hakkarainen, puh. 045 124 0257, janne.hakkarainen@fmi.fi
Linkki tutkimukseen: http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v65i0.20147
Back in office
back in office, but being a holiday maker for two weeks was fun :-) During the holiday I received my first invitation to be a referee for a paper. Hah, I get to criticize the work of others and get a revenge of all those wasted moments with comments. Grrr... heh. Of course I will be objective. Fun anyway.
P.s. While writing this short text, I accepted another invitation to be a referee...
back in office, but being a holiday maker for two weeks was fun :-) During the holiday I received my first invitation to be a referee for a paper. Hah, I get to criticize the work of others and get a revenge of all those wasted moments with comments. Grrr... heh. Of course I will be objective. Fun anyway.
P.s. While writing this short text, I accepted another invitation to be a referee...
Thursday, July 4, 2013
No rest for a PhD student
Hey guys,
it is already July and I'm still not headed for vacations... poor me. That is because I'm writing the introductory part of my PhD thesis. It is coming together great and the title will be
So, quite a busy summer for me. And no time for actual research. Huh.
Gladly, I have booked a trip to Italy with Iolanda and Masa. That will be right after Ferragosto. In October-November I will be have a six-week paternal month at home with Masa. I'm looking forward of it.
That all for now. Have a nice summer!
it is already July and I'm still not headed for vacations... poor me. That is because I'm writing the introductory part of my PhD thesis. It is coming together great and the title will be
On state and parameter estimation in chaotic systemsNeat. I like the title. In addition, I have promised to write a proceedings paper about GOMOS onestep algorithm for SPIE Remote sensing conference. You can read the abstract here.
So, quite a busy summer for me. And no time for actual research. Huh.
Gladly, I have booked a trip to Italy with Iolanda and Masa. That will be right after Ferragosto. In October-November I will be have a six-week paternal month at home with Masa. I'm looking forward of it.
That all for now. Have a nice summer!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Modeling key processes causing climate change and variability
check out Svante's PhD thesis "Modeling key processes causing climate change and variability" from http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-697-784-6
Two of my publications got cited. Yeah :-)
check out Svante's PhD thesis "Modeling key processes causing climate change and variability" from http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-697-784-6
Two of my publications got cited. Yeah :-)
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Superstorm Sandy - OpenIFS WS
in the practical session of the OpenIFS user meeting, as an case study we had the "Superstorm Sandy". Here is "our" simulation of Sandy hitting New York.
in the practical session of the OpenIFS user meeting, as an case study we had the "Superstorm Sandy". Here is "our" simulation of Sandy hitting New York.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
this week I will spent studying the OpenIFS model in "OpenIFS user workshop". OpenIFS is a stripped version, e.g. no data assimilation, of the ECMWF's IFS forecast model. I am not an expert yet, but maybe I will learn more in the practical sessions. Here you can find a little presentation of the model from EGU 2013 meeting: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/orals/12394
See also the presentation "A novel approach for tuning ensemble prediction systems" put together by Antti Solonen and Heikki Järvinen.
this week I will spent studying the OpenIFS model in "OpenIFS user workshop". OpenIFS is a stripped version, e.g. no data assimilation, of the ECMWF's IFS forecast model. I am not an expert yet, but maybe I will learn more in the practical sessions. Here you can find a little presentation of the model from EGU 2013 meeting: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/orals/12394
See also the presentation "A novel approach for tuning ensemble prediction systems" put together by Antti Solonen and Heikki Järvinen.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
A dilemma of the uniqueness of weather and climate model closure parameters
Our latest paper "A dilemma of the uniqueness of weather and climate model closure parameters" just got published online. It's a little continuation of our previous paper: "On closure parameter estimation in chaotic systems".
Unfortunately, I don't have time to blog more about this right now, but I will get back to this after my spring holiday...
Unfortunately, I don't have time to blog more about this right now, but I will get back to this after my spring holiday...
Friday, April 5, 2013
The Code: "prediction"
Hey all,
I saw an interesting BBC document from Finnish TV today or actually part III of it. If you are located in Finland you can see it from Yle areena until 4.5.2013. Here is its Wikipedia page.
The document popularizes mathematics. Among other things, it deals with chaotic systems related to, e.g., numerical weather prediction.
The document features Marcus du Sautoy who is also the author of the marvelous book The Music of the Primes. Here's a little preview:
I saw an interesting BBC document from Finnish TV today or actually part III of it. If you are located in Finland you can see it from Yle areena until 4.5.2013. Here is its Wikipedia page.
The document popularizes mathematics. Among other things, it deals with chaotic systems related to, e.g., numerical weather prediction.
The document features Marcus du Sautoy who is also the author of the marvelous book The Music of the Primes. Here's a little preview:
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
did you know that besides an Italian name Giovanni is also a handy tool for visualizing the satellite data. Here are two example plots that I managed to do with a couple of mouse clicks.
Figure illustrates global NO2 field as seen by Dutch-Finnish OMI satellite instrument. See different features in emissions.
This animation illustrates the so-called aerosol boomerang, from Australian bushfires in December 2006.
So Giovanni it is. Try it out, it's easy to use! You can find it here: http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/giovanni
did you know that besides an Italian name Giovanni is also a handy tool for visualizing the satellite data. Here are two example plots that I managed to do with a couple of mouse clicks.
Figure illustrates global NO2 field as seen by Dutch-Finnish OMI satellite instrument. See different features in emissions.
This animation illustrates the so-called aerosol boomerang, from Australian bushfires in December 2006.
So Giovanni it is. Try it out, it's easy to use! You can find it here: http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/giovanni
Monday, February 18, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Lux Helsinki 2013
I went to see Lux Helsinki with Iolanda and now I am testing if I can add a video to the weblog. Yes, it's easy :-)
See also Iolanda's post with more videos, photos and text.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
MCMC toolbox for Matlab
Happy New Year 2013!
I would like to start the year by advertising a very nice toolbox put together by my colleague Marko Laine.
The toolbox is really handy and I've used it in all my recent works. You can download the toolbox from Marko's webite:
If you don't yet know what MCMC is, I recommend starting with the following Wikipedia articles:
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